May 22, 2020

All Safety-At-Sea Videos now publically available

Created by the Storm Trysail Foundation, the Offshore Safety-At-Sea Video Series serves as a resource for all sailors. Normally, reserved for our seminar participants only, the Storm Trysail Club started releasing a 15-25 minute video each Friday on Facebook and YouTube for sailors to learn and enjoy while staying home. Today the final video on the "Ocean Prediction Center" was release.

Since the first release in early April, over 50,000 minutes of Safety-At-Sea Videos have been watched by our fellow sailors. We are thrilled these have been so well received and thank everyone for watching, sharing, commenting, and learning with us.

You can also catch up on our Safety-At-Sea Resource page. We hope you will join us in person for a Safety-At-Sea seminar one day. Until then, stay safe out there!