Supported by:
Block Island Race
The Block Island Race was first held in 1946 and is a qualifier for the Northern Ocean Racing Trophy (ORC), the Double Handed Ocean Racing Trophy (ORC), and the New England Lighthouse Series (PHRF). The Block Island Race is also a qualifier for the De Coursey Fales (PHRF), Sagola (PHRF) and Windigo (PHRF) Trophies, the du Moulin Cup for Double Handed Racing and the Youth Challenge Cup awarded by the YRA- LIS, as well as the STC Rugg Family Youth Offshore Challenge, and the “Tuna Trophy” for the best ORC combined scores in the EDLU (40%) and the Block Island Race (60%).
July 22, 2024
This first-of-its-kind collaboration for STC supports all STC and Storm Trysail Foundation efforts, offers flexibility to adapt to the needs of each event while providing awareness and community engagement opportunities for IHG Hotels and Resorts.
May 28, 2024
Sometimes you ride the elevator, and some times you fall down the ladder, but it's a great race to shake out the cobwebs before summer.
May 22, 2024
The 2024 Block Island Race Preview
One of the oldest regional races
The Block Island Race was first held in 1946.
The race also serves as a qualifier for the North Ocean Racing Trophy (ORC), the Double Handed Ocean Racing Trophy (ORC), the New England Lighthouse Series (PHRF) and the Gulf Stream Series (ORC). The Block Island Race is also a qualifier for the Caper, Sagola and Windigo trophies awarded by the YRA of Long Island Sound and the “Tuna Trophy” for the best combined ORC scores in the Edlu and Storm Trysail Block Island Race.
2024 Race Chairs
Jonathan Asch and John Troy
Block Island Race is held over Memorial Day Weekend and starts Friday at 1400 with faster boats finishing as early as Saturday morning or as late as Sunday morning.
Registration is done online before the event and check in begins on Thursday afternoon.
1400 on Friday in the vicinity of Red Bell "32" (The Cows) southerly of Stamford Harbor.
Boats will sail from the Start; leave Block Island to starboard, to the Finish, leaving Red Bell “32” (The
Cows) and Red Nun “1” to starboard. Course distance is 186 NM.
Boats will sail from the Start; leave the Red & White Whistle “PI” (Plum Island) to starboard, and to the Finish as described above. Course distance is 125 NM.
Prizes will be awarded at a reception at 1700 on Sunday at Stamford Yacht Club.
Open to mono-hull boats of no less than 29 feet LOA (some exceptions, see NOR) with PHRF 81 to 174 & ORC.
Boats may be multihull sailing vessels with a minimum length of 26’ LOA, not including bowsprit, and must have a 2021 NEMA Rating Certificate.
For all classes, at least 75% of those aboard the boat shall have attended a US Sailing Safety at Sea Seminar after December 31, 2014.