US Sailing Sanctioned Hands-On Safety At Sea Training Seminar on May 17, 2025
Building on the success of past seminars, this one day event will follow an interactive curriculum where participants will learn about damage control, fire distress rockets and flares, put out fires, set storm sails, and exercise water survival skills & use of life rafts, perform crew overboard (COB) rescue among other activities.
One of two safety at sea certifications can be earned by a combination of participation in the hands-on training seminar and completion of the US Sailing online course material. You must complete the online course material before you attend the hands-on seminar.
See this diagram explaining the different certification requirements from US Sailing. Once we receive your completed registration and seminar payment, you will receive information on how to access the online courses.
Aside from the US Sailing online course, participants must review the following STC materials on the sidebar. Please pay special attention to the COB sections of the videos. Additionally, you must study the attached Control Grid. Another great resource is the SAS Leadership and Seamanship Report.
When onsite, participants will rotate among session stations, groups will be assigned prior to arrival:
The seminar will be an all-day affair. You will be in the classroom, in the pool and outdoors for the fire safety segment and on a boat practicing MOB. Please be prepared for all of these different environments.
We suggest you bring the following:
Payment is due in FULL at the time of registration. Once your registration payment has been processed, you will receive a registration confirmation email from the Storm Trysail Club which will include important information about accessing the US Sailing online course. US Sailing members get a discount on these courses with the discount code found in your “My US Sailing” account under Member Coupons and benefits. The online courses cover a broad range of material in depth. We are confident you will find these courses quite valuable. There is an examination after each of the topics and at the end of the course.
You must successfully complete the online courses at least 3 days before the date of the in-person portion of the course. If you are not in the US Sailing database as having completed the required courses, you cannot attend the hands-on day. No exceptions.
Payment is due in FULL at the time of registration. Credit Cards Accepted
Once your registration payment has been processed, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from Storm Trysail Club that will include important information about course requirements and a link to the seminar site.
We are happy to offer our attendees and vendors a discounted rate for May 16 and 17th for your convenience. Here is the booking link that will be available until the Cut-off Date of May 1, 2025. Storm Trysail Club Rooms
Coffee and bagels, lunch and afternoon coffee and snacks are provided
Man Overboard video with Gary Jobson
Damage Control: Don't Give up the Ship" Safety Seminar hosted by David Tunick
Shorthanded Sailing video hosted by NYYC and done in cooperation with CCA and Royal Bermuda YC