The Hugh Kilmer Trophy was given in his memory to the Storm Trysail Club by his many shipmates and friends who appreciated his great love of the sea and of the Club which he so ably helped to revitalize after the Second World War.

The Trophy will be awarded at the sole discretion of the Flag Officers and Board to a member who has, during the then current year, performed some noteworthy feat which has reflected honor upon the Club.

The recipient of the award is to hold the Trophy for one year, or until notified by the Club secretary that it should be returned to be re-awarded.
1967 - Everett B. Morris
1968 - S.K. Wellman
1971 - Jakob Isbrandtsen
1974 - R.D. Lemmerman
1975 - Robert W. McCullough
1976 - M. Engel - J. Sutphen
1977 - R.E. “Ted” Turner
1982 - Sean O'Connell
1983 - Jakob Isbrandtsen
1984 - George Coumantaros
1985 - John B. Nichols
1986 - A.J. Wullschleger
1987 - Jack Sutphen
1988 - James B. Moore, Jr.
1991 - Jack King
1996 - Richard Breeden, Eric Swenson, Robert Towse
2002 - Charles R. Ulmer
2004 - Richard duMoulin & Richard Wilson
2005 - Kevin Burnham
2006 - Charles Ulmer
2009 - Richard duMoulin
2010 - Gary Jobson
2011 - John Fisher
2012 - Ken Reed & Larry Huntington
2014 - Charlie Enright
2015 - Ken Read
2016 - No Awarded
2017 - Lee Reichart & Ron Weiss
2018 - Clarke Smith
2019 - 2021 Not Awarded