Commodore Vincent Monte-Sano Award

This award will recognize one of our members whose racing record is the most outstanding at the local, regional and national levels, bringing recognition and honor to the Club.

The winner will be selected each year by your Flag Officers and Board, based on recommendations of a selection committee. In order to ensure that members from all areas will have equal consideration, this committee will have a representative from each of the stations. The criteria for selection of the winner will include an evaluation of a skipper’s whole season, giving weight not only to a high score, but also to the level of competition and the extent to which the races entered were of regional and national as well as local interest.

1997 - William Kardash
1998 - George Collins
1999 - George Coumantaros
2000 - RobertTowse
2001 - Richard Breeden
2002 - Joseph Dockery
2003 - Steve Munger
2004 - Larry Dickie
2005 - Richard duMoulin
2006 - Robert Towse

2007 - Robert Towse
2008 - Leonard Sitar
2009 - Roger Sturgeon
2010 - Tom Carroll
2011 - Rives Potts
2012 - Larry Dickie
2013 - Paul Zabetakis
2014 - Steve Benjamin
2015 - Steve Benjamin
2016 - Chris Sheehan

2017 - David Askew
2018 - Steve Benjamin
2019 - David Askew
2020 - Peter McWhinnie
2021 - William Zartler
2022 - Jim & Kate Murray
2023 - Charlie Enright

STC Trophy Nominations - Monte-Sano

Only STC Members may nominate fellow members
Enter the name of the Storm Trysail Club member you would like to nominate
List Names and Results
Please provide enough details as possible. For example, if Newport Bermuda Race please add St. David's, Gibbs Hill, or Finisterre.
Use the "+" button to add as more races.
Yacht Name
Race Name (and Fleet if known)
Fleet Result
Fleet Size
Link to Results (optional)