In recognition of long time Storm Trysail member George Coumantaros’s Bermuda Race accomplishment of capturing line honors on four occasions, spanning twenty six consecutive races, the “Boomerang Trophy” has been established through generous donations from past shipmates, friends and competitors. It will be awarded at the Storm Trysail Club annual dinner , (in January, immediately following the biennial event), to that STC member who as captain, has the best elapsed time while competing in the St. David’s Lighthouse Division (non-professional / non-experimental) of the Newport Bermuda Race.
2008 - Llwyd Ecclestone
2010 - James Muldoon
2012 - Llwyd Ecclestone
2014 - Llwyd Ecclestone
2016 - Peter Becker
2018 - Lloyd Ecclestone
2020 - Bermuda Race Cancelled
2022 - Jim Murray