About Block Island Race Week
In 1964, Commodore Jakob Isbrandtsen and NY Herald Tribune yachting reporter Everett B. Morris were jointly instrumental in urging The Storm Trysail Club to establish Block Island Race Week. Isbrandtsen and Morris patterned the Club’s new race week after Cowes Week in the U.K. The dominant theme is hard racing with fine competition and time for daily camaraderie in complete informality. The first Race Week in 1965 attracted more than 175 boats and 1,200 sailors, and was hailed a complete success.
In 2015 the Club celebrated the 50th anniversary of Block Island Race Week, with 167 boats racing in 15 classes. Block Island Race Week is the largest big boat regatta in the Northeast, and one of the most prestigious regattas in the United States. It regularly attracts the world’s best sailors who compete in the latest offshore one-designs, grand-prix and cruiser-racer designs. In 1969, the first Everett B. Morris Trophy was awarded for the Best Performance Overall for the Week and, in 1975, the first Isbrandtsen Overall Trophy was awarded.
Preservation of Block Island & Our Oceans
To promote sustainability and to protect the island, we are asking that all the crews bring reusable water bottles for their crews to use. Please do not bring cases of single-use water bottles. Plan to bring a few gallons of water for refilling the reusable bottles and refill the gallons on a daily basis at the filtered water stations that will be set up at the 3 marinas around the salt pond.
Concerning the salt pond, there will be no bottom cleaning performed in the Salt Pond. Additionally, please eliminate any use of soaps and cleaning chemicals in the salt pond. Please use a water only wash down process. The Salt Pond is now home to a thriving oyster population so absolutely no discharge either.
The Salt Pond, or New Harbor and Old Harbor have had a no discharge status since 1993. Please utilize the free pumpout boat service, the first of its kind on the East Coast. New Harbor pumpout service is available by contacting them on Ch 73 between 7:30am and 5:00pm.
This year there will be a scheduled lay day. In addition to the posted activities, we are looking to schedule a beach clean up. Please stay tuned for additional information. Event schedules will be displayed on TV monitors in the Tent.
Crews participate in a Beach Clean Up during the Lay Day during the 2019 Block Island Race Week.
Organizing Committee & Contact Information
Phone: 914-834-8857
Fax: 914-834-6484
Block Island Information
Chamber of Commerce: Block Island accommodations, travel and special events. Call (800) 383-2474 for personalized recommendations.
Block Island Info: Another good site for finding information about Block Island, accommodations, real estate and entertainment.
This list is constantly having additions, so check back often!
Block Island Ferry: Year round ferry service is provided from Point Judith RI which is at the south west entrance of Narragansett Bay. Seasonal ferries run from New London CT, Montauk NY, Providence RI, and Newport RI.
Air Service: Year-round service is provided from Westerly Airport. Summer schedules are run from East Hampton and LaGuardia Airports, NY and Groton, Ct and charters are available from Block Island.
New Harbor Harbor Boat Basin (formally Block Island Boat Basin)
Phone: 401-480-1429 or Dockmaster: 401-447-9658
e-mail: [email protected]
North Sails Pop-Up Repair Loft
Block Island Maritime Institute
216 Ocean Ave, New Shoreham, RI 02807
Contact North Sails in Portsmouth with any questions.
Block Island Marine
PO Box G
Block Island, RI 02807
Block Island Sails & Canvas
PO Box 268
Block Island, RI 02807
Ballard Hall Real Estate
PO Box 1885
Block Island, RI 02807
Beach Real Estate
PO Box 1885
Ocean Ave.
Block Island, RI 02807
Block Island Realty
Corn Neck Rd.
Block Island, RI 02807
Block Island Reservations & Real Estate
Water Street
Block Island, RI 02807
Offshore Property Limited
Ocean Avenue
Block Island, RI 02807
Phillips Real Estate Ltd.
30 Water Street
Block Island, RI 02807
Sullivan Real Estate
Water Street
Block Island, RI 02807
Hotels and Inns
Block Island Reservation Bureau
Block Island Reservations
Some Selected Individual Hotels and Inns:
Near Block Island Race Week Tent and Great Salt Pond
The Naragansett Inn
Elizabeth Connor
Head of Paynes Dock, closest to Race Week tent and duty office
Champlin's Hotel, Marina & Resort
80 West Side Road
PO Box J
Block Island, RI 02807
Payne’s Harbor View Inn
Corner of Ocean Ave. and Beach Ave., a short walk to the Race Week tent
In Old Town, near Ferry Dock
The Atlantic Inn
PO Box 188
Block Island, RI 02807
Ballard’s Inn
42 Water Street
Block Island RI 02807
Overlooking Old Harbor
Darius Inn
62 Dodge St.
New Shoreham, RI 02807
The Gothic Inn
440 Dodge St.
New Shoreham, RI 02807
Harborside Inn
213 Water Street
PO Box F
Block Island, RI 02807
Hotel Manisses
251 Spring Street
PO Box I
Block Island RI 02807
The National Hotel
36 Water Street
PO Box 189
Block Island, RI 02807
Seacrest Inn
207 High Street
Block Island RI 02807
The Surf Hotel
32 Dodge Street
PO Box C
Block Island, RI 02807
South of Old Town, with views to the east
The 1661 Inn
Elizabeth Connor
5 Spring Street,
Block Island RI 02807
Spring House Hotel; including The Inn at Spring House, Mott House, The Barn Suites, Seaside Homes and Seawinds
52 Spring Street
PO Box 902
Block Island, RI 02807
Mig’s Rig Taxi (7 Passengers) 1-401-480-0493
Block Island Taxi & Tours (10 Pass.) 1-401-466-2562
Bumblebee (7 Passengers) 1-401-742-3943
Clark’s Cab (10 Passengers) 1-401-741-0038
Green Diamond (6 Passengers) 1-401-742-7472
Hall’s Holiday Hack (7 Passengers) 1-401-465-1504
Kody’s Taxi (10 Passengers) 1-401-595-9004
McAloon’s Cab (7 Passengers) 1-401-741-1410
McGovern’s Cab (10 Passengers) 1-401-792-1700
Monica’s Taxi (7 Passengers) 1-401-742-0000
Willow Grove Taxi (7 Passengers) 1-401-301-2896
Nightengale Taxi (7 Passengers) 1-401-474-6377
Offshore Taxi (6 Passengers) 1-401-241-4144
Payne’s Taxi (7 Passengers) 1-401-466-2878
Rides By Rich (7 Passengers) 1-401-466-2399
Roadrunner (7 Passengers) 1-401-529-4994
Rob’s Taxi (10 Passengers) 1-401-741-4331
Rondo’s Taxi (7 Passengers) 1-401-466-5550
Sam’s Van (10 Passengers) 1-401-466-2585
Sue ’s Taxi (7 Passengers) 1-401-742-0436
Tip Top Taxi (11 Passenger Van) 1-401-466-3393
W.E.M. Cab (7 Passengers) 1-401-487-2881
Willow Grove Taxi (7 Passengers) 1-401-301-2896
P. O. Box #1557l
Block Island, RI 02807l
tel. 401 466 5604l
fax. 401 466 8890l