February 27, 2025

Calling STC Women Sailors

The New York Yacht Club has announced that from September 12-19, 2026, they will host the first NYYC International Women’s Championship. This regatta will be sailed in NYYC’s IC 37s with female crews of nine or more sailors. It is expected that teams from around the world will submit a request to participate by the coming entry deadline of April 15

At the STC’s Annual Meeting in January, the Women’s Committee submitted a request to the Flags and Governors to field a Storm Trysail team. The Club’s leadership avidly supports this proposal and recognizes that there were many logistical and financial issues to be settled. However, STC WILL be submitting an entry to NYYC in March.

One critical element required for this submission is that the helm needs to be named. The Women’s Committee has identified and submitted to the Board a number of potential skippers, but the Board wants to open this opportunity to all female STC Members. As such, if you are interested in being considered to helm the STC boat in the NYYC Women’s Invitational, or if you’d like to be considered to be part of the crew, please email Deanna Polizzo who will be the Governors Committee liaison and our Women’s Championship committee at [email protected] and cc Whitney Simon in the STC Office at [email protected].

This regatta will be great for women’s sailing…and, in many ways, the Storm Trysail Club. I personally think this fits with our initiatives for the future of sailing at our Club.

Here’s to the Club helping make this initiative a reality.

Sail fast, sail safe,

Andrew Weiss