100 Days until Block Island Race Week!
It is a balmy day here in the Northeast, so as the snow melts, we know thoughts of summer are among us especially the building anticipation for the 28th Storm Trysail Club Block Island Race Week. For us, there are many new facets to Race Week we eagerly can't wait to share them with you. So stay tuned for more great announcements over the coming weeks.
For those of you who have not signed up yet for BIRW:
It couldn’t be easier to do so and get the logistics squared away. Whether you are seeking as many races a day “as practical” on the White Circle or mixing it up with a combination of bouy and distance racing, there is a format for you to spend a week on the water with your crew.
Trouble rounding up crew in a very busy sailing summer in New England this year? Then, the Plus-One option is for you. If you have a 30 footer, you only need a crew of 4. A 40 footer? Crew of 5. This means there is a job for everyone on the boat and a lot fewer bunks to find and sandwiches to make.
If you are attending:
Firstly, if you need help with housing or a mooring for your boat, reach out to Whitney at . We can help you out.
Secondly, if you have questions about where to register, reach out to Ed Cesare, . We have “Solent Racing” on the Red Circle, both conventional racing and pursuit starts on the Blue Circle. Spinnaker, non-spinnaker – whatever suits.
Lastly, In case you missed our announcement below, North Sails is offering expert coaching to the first 30 who sign up and in collaboration with Gowrie Group are offering weather briefings each morning for everyone.